
Business Inquiry Form – Hayakawa Publishing Corporation

Please fill out the form below to submit your inquiry to us.
Your detailed information will help us respond to your request more effectively. For our company overview, please click here, and for our location map, click here.

Inquiry Form


* Inquiry Type

* Full Name(required)

Company Name

Please enter the name of your company.

Department Name

Please enter your department name.

* E-mail address(required)

mail address

(Please enter your contact email address.)


Confirm Email Address(required)

(Please enter your email address again to confirm.)

Phone number

Please enter your contact phone number.
Contact Phone

* Inquiry Details(required)

Please provide the details of your inquiry. The more specific, the better. (Within 1200 characters)
※Please read before contacting us.
  • Our response will be sent to the email address you provide. If you are using a mobile phone or smartphone email address to contact us, please add "@hayakawa-online.co.jp" to your list of approved domains before submitting your inquiry. We also recommend using domain-specific reception as a measure against spam emails.
  • While we strive to respond promptly, it may take some time to answer your inquiry. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
  • Depending on the nature of your question, we may not be able to provide an answer. In such cases, we kindly ask for your understanding.
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Please press [Proceed to Confirm].